Our Ethos
Highfield is a small caring school providing a warm and secure atmosphere in which each child fulfils his or her real potential. We prepare pupils for a life in which they will play an active role in their own family, in their secondary education and within the local community.
We expect all of our children to respect others and receive respect themselves. We wish them to be happy in their work and to recognise that the main reason for their being with us is to learn. Close collaboration between individuals is encouraged.
Our expectations of all children, in their learning and in their social development are high.
The curriculum we offer is broad and challenging. Every effort is made to make sure that children work at the level, which is appropriate to their ability.
We value the partnership with our parents to achieve the high standards we all expect.
Through termly open evenings we offer the opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher.
As a primary school, with teachers liaising closely, we work to ensure that children transfer from nursery to infants, and from infants to juniors with confidence and ease.
At Highfield Primary School we believe that everyone has a right to equal opportunities. We believe that all children, adults and families should feel welcome and should have an equal chance to benefit from our school and everything it provides.